In professional kitchens, we have many sayings, and one of them is “You can’t buy shrimps for the price of lobster”. I like lobster as much as anybody else, but I can be happy with fresh tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, basil and a piece of bread.
Don’t let your income spoil your meal! Treat yourself with food as often as you can. If you need to make adjustment on your monthly spending in order to eat good meals, so be it. You know, if you only have a 20” TV instead of a 50" or if you need to say no to your kid who wants the newest iPad in order to eat better, it's all good... Your TV will not make you or your family live longer, but good food will…of course we all have a limit on how much we can spend on groceries, but I would cut other luxuries before I cut my food budget.
Now, if budget was never a consideration, I would still want to eat the same way as I am eating now, but I would perhaps change some of the brands I buy! For example, organic food is still a bit expensive for my chef’s budget on a daily basis. By force of habit, I always look for deals (organic or not) before I buy something. I grew up eating KFC as a kid and canned green peas were my source of green vegetable. So, I can be happy with simple things and see the value of being able to eat whatever I want now. I never ask for deals from the stores I shop at - sometime I get deals and sometimes I don’t, I want the store to make some money too so that they stay in business for a long time and we don't all get stuck buying our food at Walmart.
Kristin and I shop at the Lakeview Heights grocery store, Save-on-Foods, Extra Foods, Valoroso, L&D Meat, Hooked on Seafood, Artisan Bread, Cod Father, Matterhorn Bakery and a few more… I support the people that support me and give me a great service.
My wallet is an intricate part of my meals, but I do not let it tell me what I can and cannot eat. We eat good food, and Kristin will eat all leftovers for lunch at workJ We usually eat a nice dinner like rack of lamb, jumbo scallops or even a gourmet desserts once a week. The rest of the week we eat well-balanced simple healthy foods prepared at home with love!
Spend it on food!
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