Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jamie Oliver’s is back at it…

Last Tuesday on ABC the second season of Jamie Oliver TV show “Food Revolution” started. This time Jamie tries to create change in the school system in Los Angeles. Although the producer’s emphases a bit too much on the reality TV style/drama controversy instead making it into a documentary style show, it was very interesting.
I will make a point to watch it mostly because I do believe Jamie has his heart at the right place and his main goal is to feed kids better food. Yes, it’s TV show, yes he does make money off that show, but let me tell you he works for it… having to go meet with the school board superintendent requires a lot of self control and should be rewarded with money. I wonder how long is he going to take to come to Canada to do this. I am convinced that our schools are not that far behind the American schools. Kids obesity is a problem in Canada and many meals are eaten at school.
If the school would to stop selling fast food of any kinds, no kids will die from it. No kids will pass out in class, no kids will get worst grades. It is simple, if the choice is fast food then that’s what they eat. If the choice is real food, then they will eventually get hungry and start eating it too. Kids are not stupid, when they get hungry they will eat!
I am not saying strawberry milk, burgers, pizza and brownies are never going to end up in a child’s hand, but why make it so easily available for them…
My two cents

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